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Question “Do you wear leather gloves?” usually creates all sorts of answers. Automatically people usually think about gloves as a necessity for the cold weather, simple hands protection. Very rare you would hear the answer – I wear them just for style.

Styles have changed over the decades. And if in 50-s and 60-s you would not see a lady or gentleman without a pair of leather gloves hardly ever, now it is a totally different story. Nowadays, seeing lady in high heels is rare, seeing a gentleman in classic suit is rare as well. What happened to fashion? Or it is not fashion? Is it just us, tired to put some extra effort?

In any case, here a few ideas of how to wear leather gloves just for style, just to add something fresh to your look, just to spice up your everyday get to go and make it a little different.

unnamed Styling Leather Gloves 2021 - Victoria gloves online: shop gloves in leather

Viktoriia_D_20210923_0114-Edit Styling Leather Gloves 2021 - Victoria gloves online: shop gloves in leather

 e1a2d14316f0fabc30b6b40dde54c665 Styling Leather Gloves 2021 - Victoria gloves online: shop gloves in leather

Experiment with your styles! Create new looks! Bring a little joy to yourself with a new pair of stylish statement leather gloves!

