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31d95c436cc3288dc83d45ab1b979fd6 Italian Inspiration - Victoria gloves online: shop gloves in leather
We select the best Italian and English leathers for manufacturing our gloves. In this post I will tell a little bit about Italy and why Italian leather? Italy historically been a country that establish fashion all around the world. Even nowadays we consider - cool and high quality for things that says "made in Italy". If you ever travelled to that beautiful country you probably noticed style all over you: women riding the bike wearing high heels and trendy light scarf, little finger less gloves; men in elegant suits also comlimented by accessories like scarves and gloves, expensive watches...

There is a lot of inspiration in every city of this beautiful country, starting from little towns along the Italian Riviera on Meditteranian cost and finishing with a fashionable and historical cities like Milano, Rome, Florence...
If you feel like you inspired, you can select something "little italian" from our store.