Gloves Etiquette Retrospect. History. Facts. Useful Tips.

Here is a little historical overview and a glance on what the gloves supposed to be worn for and where it would be appropriate.
When a Lady Wear the Gloves.
Gloves are to be worn on the streets of cities and large towns, when going to church, to the lunch, dinner or to a special reception.
Gloves are also to be worn to a dance, wedding or any official function event. They are also appropriate to be worn at the restaurant and when attending theatre or opera.
Smart women usually wear the gloves while travelling by train or airplane.
On a formal occasion, gloves are to be worn by the guests and by the hostess that hosting the event as well.
What is it mean when a Lady Removes the Gloves?
Gloves must be always removed before eating, drinking, smoking, playing cards or when applying the make up.
When at lunch at the restaurant, a lady removes her coat first but keeps on her hat and the gloves. Removing her gloves only when seated at the table.
This is just a little glimpse to the retro Glove’s Etiquette traditions. But I think some of them should be kept alive even now. It is beautiful, graceful, elegant and makes you look and feel more like a lady.
Read more in future posts about Gloves Etiquette for Gentlemen.