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Tea Party White Gloves Collection

Although it is a bit forgotten, those parties are taking a new modern twist nowadays.
Required attire for such parties are something in between formal and casual chic. It is great opportunity for ladies to show off a beautiful dress (usually below knee lenth), favorite pair of gloves, hat, etc.
It is well known that blakc color is not appropriate for these type of parties. White and all light colors with maybe a pop of bright color are always more then welcome and suitable.
Specially for those occasions, we creating and soon releasing this wondersful collection of white leather gloves! Perfect for tea/ cocktail/ total white look partiews and even weddings! Yes, quite a few of our cusomers ordered white leather gloves for the weddings!
To buy these gorgeous gloves represented in current advertising campaign will be possible around late summer - early fall. If you have urgent customized order, please contact us through our website Contact form.